We Give Thanks! Burn Off that Turkey

Top Butt and Core Exercises to Help Burn Off That Turkey!

As we all consume more than our fair share on this joyous holiday, The Sports Rehabilitation Center would like to provide you with some of our most popular butt and core exercises to help you fight the battle of the bulge!  As with any exercise, please do not perform if you have any conditions that may preclude your from these exercises and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Click on the links to view each exercise.


1. Curl up: Lift your upper body off the table until the shoulder blades clear the table.  Try to hold each repetition for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.  Perform 1-3 sets.

IMG_1472 Click to view video!

2. Clam Shell: Keep your hips and knees bent approximately 90 degrees and lift the top knee while keeping the feet together.  Be sure not to roll the hips backward.  Perform 20-30 reps on each side.

IMG_1475 Click to view video!

3. Bridging:  Start by squeezing the buttucks together and lift the hips off the table until the back is straight.  Be sure not to lift too high, which will cause the back to arch.

IMG_1473 Click to view video!

4. Side Plank on Knees:  Lie on your side and prop yourself up on your elbow.  Lift the hips up and try to hold for at least 10 seconds.  Repeat 3-5 repetitions.

IMG_1477 Click to view!

5. Prone Plank on knees: Lie on your stomach and prop yourself up on both elbows.  Left up the hips until the back is straight and try to hold for 10 seconds.  Repeat 3-5 Repetitions.

IMG_1479 Click to view video!


1. Single Leg Bridge:  Same as the beginner bridge, but this time use only one leg to lift the hips off the table while the other leg remains straight.  Hold each rep for 3-5 seconds and repeat for 10 repetitions. Perform 2-3 sets on each leg.

IMG_1474 Click to view video

2. Full Side Plank:  Same as the beginner plank, but the point of contact is now the feet rather than the knees.  Advance to this exercise once you can do the beginner plank for at least 30 seconds.

IMG_1476 Click to view video!

3. Full Prone Plank: Same as the beginner plank, but the point of contact is now both feet rather than the knees.  Advance to this exercise once you can do the beginner plank for at least 30 seconds.

IMG_1478 Click to view video!

4. One legged Squats: Put one leg back on a chair and move the other leg out about 3 feet. Lower the body while keeping the back straight and make sure the knee of the stance leg does not move out over the toes. Use a stick or hold on to a chair if you have difficulty balancing.  Perform 2-3 sets of ten repetitions.

IMG_1480 Click to view video!

5. Mule Kicks: Balance yourself on your hands and knees and kick the foot up towards the ceiling with knee bent at 90 degrees. Make sure you do not kick too high as this cause you to arch your back too much.  Hold 3-5 seconds and do 10 repetitions.  Perform 2-3 set.

IMG_1481 Click to view video!


We hope that you find all of these exercise videos useful! They are great, convenient, and easy ways to help strengthen and stabilize your core and butt throughout the holiday season.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!  Happy Holidays from the Sports Rehabilitation Team.